SCAPY part two – fixing our broken SYN scanner.

So, hopefully someone noticed the glaring logic error in the port scanning utility I posted in my last post on SCAPY, now I am going to show how to fix it.

The tool shown accepted ANY reply from a tested port as a “yes, this is open”. Even an RST saying the port was closed. The reason I left it broken is fairly obvious – so I could do a followup explaining what a noob mistake it is 😉

The following snippet of code sends a SYN packet to a defined IP and port, and if it recieves a SYN-ACK packet in return, reports the port as actually open. If it recieves any other kind of packet, it reports the port is in fact closed.

# SYN probes a port on an IP, tells if open/closed
from scapy.all import *
import sys
def synprobe(targetIP, targetPort):
""" Send a SYN packet, recieve reply, tell if open/closed """
probe = sr1(IP(dst=targetIP)/TCP(dport= int(targetPort), flags = "S"), verbose = False, timeout = 2)
if probe[TCP].flags == 18:
print "%s:%s open" %(targetIP, targetPort)
print "%s:%s closed" %(targetIP, targetPort)
def main(args):
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sys.exit("usage: %s <targetip> <targetport>" %(sys.argv[0]))
synprobe(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Modifying this code to allow for en-masse scanning is left as an exercise for the reader. I am instead going to write something about using threads next.
First though, I have to figure out how to make threading work properly without forkbombing the ever living shit out of my box!

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